NEW – Laser epilation for men


Although men have inherently more body hair than women, excessive hairiness may be unpleasant and thus cause a sense of discomfort. Fortunately for all men who suffer from excessive hairiness, the aesthetic center DermaVille offers a painless and quick solution for this problem.


Laser epilation is a fast, gentle and efficient method of removing unwanted hair in men with long-lasting effects. A laser directs concentrated light into the hair follicle. Such light is then converted into heat, thereby preventing the ability of the hair to grow, without disturbing or damaging the skin surface.


At DermaVille aesthetic center we use the latest and most efficient medical laser in the world – Lumenis LightSheer Desire.

Lumenis LightSheer Desire laser is a laser of the latest generation with a cooling device which soothes the skin and makes the epilation painless. In addition to the cooling device, it also has a built-in vacuum probe for larger skin areas, which enables achieving maximum results, and reduces the duration of the treatment, since this is the largest handpiece that currently exists.


Areas most often treated by laser epilation in men are: back, chest, stomach, neck and cheekbones.

For how long?

Permanent results are achieved after a series of 6 treatments. Treatments are repeated after 4-12 weeks, in the case of body treatments, while facial laser epilation, treatments can be repeated after 2-4 weeks.
Proper preparation for laser epilation involves shaving or hair “trimming” 3-4 weeks before epilation. On the very day of laser epilation treatment, hairs should be 1 mm long. Immediately after the epilation treatment, activities in the gym, sauna, jacuzzi and pools should be avoided for the period of 24h-48h. After that period of time, all activities are safe.

GET GREAT DISCOUNT ! Laser Epilation
 -20% discount, if you pay 6 treatmens you will receive -50% discount!
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